Sunday, April 20, 2008

A recap of 4 months.

Alright let's start at the beginning. I already mentioned to you the first cache I did with ydissac that got me hooked. (Read previous entry) That was one of four that day he took me on. I soon went back home for the holidays and started caching some around my hometown of Louisville. ydissac and I slowly started knocking off caches in the areas surrounding our work in Sharonville. I visited the fiancee's family near Granville and also spent an afternoon out caching there. Eventually, ydissac and I started hitting this Love Mad series. Eventually I reached my first milestone, Love Mad 23 - GC13CK3 It was different than most micros I've found - a log sheet behind a reflector on a dumpster.

The next day I proposed to Kristen. I had been wondering how I would do it, and I had finally figured out how I would - geocaching.

On January 13th, 2008, I proposed to my girlfriend at Mt. Echo Park. We were going
out caching on this cool, lightly raining day, and had stopped in the area. As we stepped out of the car, GPS in her hands seeking cache "GC1209" entitled "Surprise!", she started walking away from the cache location. As she made her way back she shortly after found a camo covered box. As she opened it she found a ring box...and in it, an engagement ring. I got down on my knee and asked her to marry me. Being the FTF, she took the ring. I myself left a girlfriend, and took a fiancee. The cache is now an active geocache, Our Engagement Cache - GC18KKF

After number 100, there was one day of caching I really enjoyed. I was out with my friend Kyle and we had the plan of taking some Mt. Airy caches out. Well, the first destination we had was this cache called Crazy Bike Trail - GC15Q3M. The problem with Crazy Bike Trail is that I didn't look anything up about before looking for it. I started reading logs after about a half hour of not finding anything, and read what people were talking about...RR2K#L and some other stuff. Since I was still new, I didn't know what RR2K#L was...thus not providing me with the information I needed to know where the cache was. Kyle and I left that area and finished all the caches on Kirby's Trail, which was a great hike, and a great series of caches. After we finished we went and grabbed some lunch, and I started reading some logs about CBT. I then came across the comment EarTrumpet had just made about maintenance on the cache. "Didn't see many spiders today, and the raccoon wasn't around, but I did see the bat. Let's see if this container outlives the first two." It was talking with Kyle about this little blurb that got us thinking we knew where we had to look. We went back to the site and immediately planned how to get to the cache. However, was that was the easy way? No...we hadn't spotted that yet. Our was was through the narrow chute...under the 200lb concrete slab we moved. Sheesh. But the good news is we made the grab, and it was the highlight of my caching career at that point. I can't wait to do more like these!

There were more here and there caches which got me to my next milestone, Yellow Handle Communicator - GC18ZD2 Yet again, another challenging micro, only because I had never, and still haven't found one like it. I guess the closest I have gotten to are some of the magnetic micros, but this one was on the back of the ad below the phone. Very tricky...took me several visits and having the owner, Liyah actually out with me to get this one.

I slowly started trying to clear out my downtown area, and even went up to Dayton with Liyah and ydissac to try knocking out some caches there. We ran into POKERBUZZ, and they helped us with lots of caches around. However, one thing they couldn't really help us with was Lane Change - GCVYCK , a 3/4 Multi cache. Liyah was the brave one to get this cache for us. What a rush just watching! This cache involved climbing 2 very different types of trees, very high up. Once to get the second stage, and the second time to retrieve the cache. It was neat going to a different area of town, as the caches even seemed to be hidden a bit differently. Always good to get a taste of how others do it.

Soon I passed 300, and 400...hitting several FTFs and placing several Cache Me If You Can series caches, little places around Cincinnati that I love. I started clearing out Delhi, and getting into some of Colonel Mustards evil "LOST" seri
es, such as Lost Puppy - GCVBPM, a nice 4/1 micro.

On February 27th ydissac and I celebrated my 2 month anniversary trying to get me to my 500th cache. We had a record 37 finds that day with a nice puzzle called Hybrid 5 in 1 - GC12XX7. With this cache, it gives you a log and also coords for 4 other P&Gs. You get 5 smileys for the price of one. It was an easy micro, but so much fun! ydissac and I shared a late night drink to celebrate! You can also listen to Podcacher episode 157 for my phoned in Milestone.

A lot had happened in between 500 and 600 for me. My buddy Andy was enlisted into the military and was going away to boot camp. We were trying to figure out a good way to send him off. We went and bought some cigars, then went to the 4/4 puzzle, Let that which illuminated you, illuminate me - GCKFG3. It was nighttime (as recommended), snowy, and scary as hell. We started off, and it was actually my friends Kyle and Bob who came up with the find. Overall though, every had a great night and Andy was really glad we did that for him.

Not only that, but I went to Brazil for 2 weeks to play guitar for my school's choir tour. Since there weren't many caches there, I could only visit some of the waymarks. However, I did try looking for several caches there with my host, Noela. We went looking for a couple, but one hadn't been logged in almost two years, and the other a year. Luckily for me they both were missing. However, also luckily for me, the owners allowed me to log them, saying they would log me when they replace. Brasilia e seus lugares encantadores! - GCQ91P ended up being my number 550. However, while in Brazil...I started to forget about caching, and began obsessing over Brazil. The sites and sounds were gorgeous. I loved the place, and almost didn't want to leave. I got back home and immediately hated it...until I got back out caching again. I then realized I had lots to catch up with...and that I did!

I got to visit the Shawnee Lookout Cache - GC31A, the oldest cache in Cincinnati area/Ohio. I also tackled the evil 4.5/1.5 puzzle, IDIC/ MADAME WITCH AND COACH T THIS IS FOR YOU!! - GC19XNG I was so ready to be caching again, that I got to 700 in almost as much time as if I wasn't out of the country for 2 weeks. However, number 700 was not the easiest cache.

Pandora's Box - GC1A70R is the name of my 700, and Abuhhhh's 400 - and it was a devil of a hide. It's a 2.5/1 puzzle, where there are 5 keys disguised as travel bugs. Each key has 2 numbers from a set of coords. Get all 5 keys, all put out randomly around the OKI area, and you get the coord
s to Pandora's Box. It was Coolhipwithit who first found out it was coming about. She was out checking on one of her caches when Hiram, the owner, was placing the first key. She quickly grabbed the key and proceeded to tell Abuhhhh of the new cache that was in the works. He soon found out that 2 more keys got dropped. I decided to grab those two keys. Let me tell you that one of those keys I went for was in Mt. Airy where the EVIL was REALLY working. I was on my way to the cache as some older man started following me to it. I was on the phone with Abuhhhh telling him about it. I'd look around me, and the man was hiding behind a tree watching me. I am really positive I almost got raped...or mugged. Ugh...this Pandora's Box! We asked Coolhip if she wanted to exchange numbers, and she said sure....but then no other word. We got worried for a bit, but then decided we had the upper hand, so we'll be okay - let it play out. Finally, I noticed where the fourth key was placed and ran out to get it. 3 of the 5 keys now rested with us. We got so wound up about it. Day and night Abuhhhh and I both thought about and waited for this last key to get placed. did. It was in Kentucky, and I was at work. I called Liyah and asked her if she would get it for us after telling her about it. She agreed. Abuhhhh and I were excited that Pandora's Box would finally be open. However...Liyah also held off the numbers unless we'd give her the numbers we had. The evil has shown again. We started thinking, "what can we do, what can we do!" Finally we decided, we'll just play it cool and see what happens. However, that only worked for so long as sleeplessness set in. It was the morning of the Doe Run CITO. After everything was over, we were walking back to the car when I had an idea - "what if Liyah has her key in her car? We could look at it and get her numbers!" I tried peering in, and low and behold it was hanging from her rear-view mirror. There it was...4 or the 5 sets of numbers. We finally got ahold of Coolhipwithit and decided to meet up, but we tried not to let out that we had that last set of numbers, besides...we all wanted to go together anyways. However, Liyah didn't feel up to it, so she told us the numbers, and we went out looking. While working on the wherabouts of the cache, Abuhhhh and I both got emails from Hiram saying he had to move the cache, and numbers from both of our keys had to be changed. We panicked, but got the updated coords, and started looking. First place we went too -nothing. Original coord location - nothing. AHHH! This Pandora's Box was driving us CRAZY! Later that day, while Abuhhhh and I were caching, Hiram called us, and told us there were coords we needed to ADD to what we had to make the cache work. We called Coolhipwithit, and she met us at the destination. We went out...and sure enough....THERE IT WAS! AT LONG LAST.

Phew...a CRAZY milestone indeed.

Around that same time...a CRAZY micro came out in Echo Park - Smaller than a Needle in a Haystack - GC1AWV5. It was a 5/1.5. I wanted to be FTF, but the coords put me in the middle of a field. I looked there for an hour with no luck. Days went by, and a few comments by the owner put me closer and closer to the cache. The Witch was FTF, then someone else found, then another. I was getting frustrated with it being the closest cache to me, and spent 7 trips going out there, and 6 hours looking. Finally...I came up with the grab.

I also ended up going back to Louisville for Thunder Over Louisville - the firework/ air show kick off to Derby. I loaded a query of earthcaches, virtuals, and some other caches around the city. It turned out to be a very successful weekend, pulling in 59 caches for me. It was until coming back to Cincinnati, and on the Winton Woods CITO that I was able to get myself to the big number 8-0-0.

That in so many (or so few) words brings me to today.

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