I just put out a new cache, Down the Rabbit Hole - GC1DJH5: a 4/3.5 multi cache. I put it out for Ian's 1000, not necessarily for him to get as #1000 as he has debated Freefall 35,000's recently re-activated 4/4 Litte Brother, Big Brother. However, I put the cache out in honor of him and his favorite style of caches: tunnels. It's a 3 part tunnel cache, and I find it very fun. It's the first of 5 multi's I plan on putting out from Alice in Wonderland. the next chapter is "Pool of Tears", where alice is first a GIANT and then is SWIMMING in a pool of tears...if that tells you anything.
Yesterday morning I placed my order for my pathtags. A wonderful woman named Jennifer from Wicks Works Designs made the design for me which I think is VERY cool. I took my normal trade item (my signature guitar pick) and placed it in the background of my tag with a big BTBAM going across it and a geocacing "G" symbol in the corner of the pick. I have the design she made, but I'll wait until I get the blueprint from Pathtags before I load a picture of it, be on the lookout for a new post about it.
On a side note (and only because I know he'll be reading this), Ian bought himself a new GPSr...the COLORADO! I haven't even been able to touch the dang thing; my dream GPS. I always wondered what they were like, but no store has a demo of them or anything for me to mess with. The display screen looks incredible, the icons are small and non-cluttering, it can hold 2,000 waypoints, has the notes and cache pages...it's pretty much incredible and now I need one. One downfall he mentioned was that it eats batteries....but I'm pretty sure I can deal with that. Consider it Wishlisted.